Three Bewitching Writers
Just got back from ISLMA in Springfield. They hosted a breakfast for a number of SCBWI-IL authors. Breakfast began at 7:30 am--that meant I had to spend the night in Springfield. I took the train down and back--good choice considering how awful the weather was a lot of the time.
What I brought:
Page proofs of The Robin Makes a Laughing Sound: A Birder's Journal, pasted into a dummy.
Truck Stuck, 1 copy. (Anderson's was selling books for the conference.)
Peter's Trucks, 1 copy.
Lots of bookmarks provided by Charlesbridge--Robin on one side, Truck Stuck on the other--very handy.
Robin postcards.
Meet the Author brochures--should have brought more--I left a bunch with the SCBWI-IL group to take to the IRC meetings in March, along with bookmarks. (Note to self--send a copy of Robin as soon as they come.)
Fresh Sharpie extra fine pens for autographing.
Two outfits built around my black pants--we were pushing black because the meetings were so close to Halloween.
Wore a comfortable travel outfit.
Sara Latta's Ice Scientist to read--getting ready to resubmit an NSF grant for Antarctica.
The Believer--an old copy I bought some time ago and hadn't gotten very far in reading.
4 other children's books that did not get read.
What I forgot to bring:
Water bottle.
Truck Stuck Book Plates.
What I brought home:
Eliza's Kindergarten Surprise by Alice B. McGinty to give to my sister who teaches Kindergarten.
Great notes from Esther Hershenhorn's presentation on "The ABC's of Growing Writers in Your Library."
Great ideas for both analyzing and writing picture books based on Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen's presentation, "Words and Pictures: Teaching Narrative Through the Picture Book."
The preliminary program for IRC--Illinois Reading Council conference in Springfield Mar. 18-20.