Friday, January 29, 2010

Starting Over

Monday, February 1, 2010 is the official release date of The Robin Makes A Laughing Sound: A Birder's Journal. I feel as if I am starting over, relearning this publicity thing. And so much has changed in the two years since Truck Stuck came out. Who knew I ought to be creating a book trailer for U-Tube? I thought only YA and maybe some middle-grade novels should have one, but here are two great trailers for children's picture books: Duck! Rabbit! and Nanook and Pryce.

What I have done so far is visit several other blogs--there is Scotti Cohn's blog interview, mentioned in my last post. And I am a guest contributor on Playing by the Book, a blog that gives lists of picture book fiction by subject matter. I chose Art as my subject and found a number of great picture books whose stories revolve around the topic of art. My Playing by the Book post should be available on February 1, but go ahead and check out the great combination of book lists and child-friendly activities that make up Playing by the Book.


Playing by the book said...

Hi Sallie,

Thanks for the kind words! Your post will actually go live on Wednesday (my regular day for Fantastic Fiction for Kids posts), and I've included a link back here as well as to your regular website :-)

silly eagle books said...

Just read your art book post at Playing by the Book! Thank you for sharing such a great list--I am especially intrigued by the Color Kittens.